we will be showing some films at a cool little art event organised by Vanilla Galleries. It will be held at the Orange Tree in Loughborough on the 5th of May. Make sure you get down there, should be a lot going on.
We have expanded Enter the Treehouse and have 4 new members who will contributing work. All of whom have been a great help in the past with projects, extras during filming and photoshoots.
We have been asked to submit our film Sunlight for the Portable Film Festival in August. Based in Australia what makes this festival a little bit different is that it is online. I'm sure we will have more details to give you soon, here's the link, check it out http://portablefilmfestival.com/index.php
Hey, I've just had the cd's back from Japan for Kyte's new album release over there. Its called 'Science for the Living' and is sounding great. The band are hoping to bring out the record in the UK later in the year. In the mean time check out the artwork ett created for the album on the website http://www.enterthetreehouse.com/science.html
Listen to more of Kyte at http://www.myspace.com/kyteband
Hey, Just to let people know, Rob is starting a brand spanking new blog to go along side all the action over at Hideout BMX. Check it out at http://hideoutbmx.blogspot.com/